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We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.

CQC INSPECTION RESULTS.  Our Surgery received a Good rating for our last CQC Inspection.

ONLINE APPOINTMENT BOOKING. If you would like to register for online appointment booking, please telephone us for more details.  Patients will need to register in person with two forms of ID to enable them to book appointments online.  Posters will be displayed within the waiting area. PLEASE BE AWARE THIS HAS BEEN SUSPENDED AT THE MOMENT.

DID YOU KNOW on average 200 appointments are wasted each month due to a patient not attending.  That amounts to 32.5 clinical working hours.  THAT IS NEARLY 4 CLINICAL WORKING DAYS. Just imagine how many more appointments would be available if everyone cancelled any that they do not require. Please always cancel any unwanted appointments and encourage your friends and family to do the same.  Thank you.

SMS MESSAGES.  Some of you may have already noticed that we are now sending SMS messages to inform patients of any appointments they have booked and also SMS reminders the day before.  If you have not already done so, could you please let us have an up to date mobile telephone number in order for us to send you SMS messages.  Hopefully this may cut down the ever growing figure of patients not attending their booked appointments.

PATIENT EMAIL ADDRESSES. Please advise us of your email address if you are happy to do so. This will never be shared to outside agencies, but it may be the fastest way for the hospital to contact you if you have been referred. As with telephone numbers, please remember to advise us of any changes. Your email address can be sent to us by email (to, by post or even by adding it to a repeat prescription request!

EVENING GP APPOINTMENTS.  Evening GP appointments are now available across participating GP Surgeries within Castle Point and Rochford areas.  This is not a walk in service. Please telephone the Surgery in the usual way to book an appointment.

WEEKEND GP APPOINTMENTS. You can now book a weekend/bank holiday appointment with a GP or Practice Nurse. Please contact the Surgery in the usual way to book an appointment.

PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP MEETING. Patient participation group meetings have been suspended at this time.

OUR TEAM. We now have a new member to our team. Her name is Ruxandra Duruian and she is a GP Pharmacist. She will carry out medication reviews and prepare prescriptions for the GP's. After further training she will see patients for minor ailments.

PHYSICIAN ASSOCIATES. As of April 2019 we will be employing a Physician Associate, Sophie Sherwood. Sophie will be supporting our GP's in diagnosing and managing of patients and will undertake post-graduate training. They will work under the supervision of our Doctor's, training to perform a number of day-to-day tasks including:-

Taking medical histories                                 Performing examinations

Diagnosing illnesses                                       Analysing test results

Developing management plans

GP HEALTHCARE ALLIANCE. We are also members of an association called the GP Healthcare Alliance. This offers us the opportunity to share the assistance of another GP Pharmacist, Chris Smith. He is based at the Surgery three sessions per week. He will see patients for minor ailments and medication reviews as well as preparing and issuing medication.

Also working under the Alliance we have an Associate Nurse Practitioner and an Emergency Care practitioner.

INTRODUCTION  OF GDPR. Following the introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), written consent must be given for a third party to act on your behalf or even to collect prescriptions, consent will need to be given every six months. This can be done verbally after an initial Consent form has been completed. 




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